path: root/cogs/src.py
blob: 708d3fc04b7320b1c7210d2b45b6e59c59c0e879 (plain) (tree)

from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext import tasks
from discord.utils import get
import discord
import requests
import json
import asyncio
from datetime import timedelta

async def verifyRole(self, ctx, apiKey):
	server = self.bot.get_guild(574267523869179904)
	RunneRole = server.get_role(574268937454223361)
	WrRole = server.get_role(583622436378116107)
	head = {
		"Accept": "application/json",
	r = requests.get('https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/profile', headers=head)

	profile = json.loads(r.text)
	pbs = requests.get(profile["data"]["links"][3]["uri"])
	pbs = json.loads(pbs.text)

	for i in pbs["data"]:
		if i["place"] == 1:
			if i["run"]["game"] == "yd4ovvg1" or i["run"]["game"] == "v1po7r76":
				await ctx.send("WR boi")
				await server.get_member(ctx.message.author.id).add_roles(WrRole)
				print("WR boi")
		if i["run"]["game"] == "yd4ovvg1" or i["run"]["game"] == "v1po7r76":
			await ctx.send("Runner")
			await server.get_member(ctx.message.author.id).add_roles(RunneRole)

	#print(json.dumps(pbs,sort_keys=True, indent=4))

async def clear(self):
	async for msg in self.bot.get_channel(699713639866957905).history():
		await msg.delete()

async def pendingRuns(self, ctx):
	head = {
		"Accept": "application/json",
	gameID = 'yd4ovvg1'  # ID of Minecraft bedrock
	gameID2 = 'v1po7r76'  # ID of Category extension
	runsRequest = requests.get(
		f'https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs?game={gameID}&status=new&max=200&embed=category,players', headers=head)
	runs = json.loads(runsRequest.text)
	runsRequest2 = requests.get(
		f'https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs?game={gameID2}&status=new&max=200&embed=category,players', headers=head)
	runs2 = json.loads(runsRequest2.text)
	# Use https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/games?abbreviation=mcbe for ID

	for game in range(2):
		for i in range(200):
				for key, value in runs['data'][i].items():
					if key == 'weblink':
						link = value
					if key == 'category':
						categoryName = value["data"]["name"]
					if key == 'players':
						if value["data"][0]['rel'] == 'guest':
							player = value["data"][0]['name']
							player = value["data"][0]["names"]["international"]
					if key == 'times':
						rta = timedelta(seconds=value['realtime_t'])
			except Exception as e:
			if game == 0:
				leaderboard = "Minecraft bedrock"
			elif game == 1:
				leaderboard = "Minecraft Bedrock category extensions"
			embed = discord.Embed(
				title=leaderboard, url=link, description=f"{categoryName} in `{str(rta).replace('000','')}` by **{player}**", color=16711680+i*60)
			await self.bot.get_channel(699713639866957905).send(embed=embed)
		runs = runs2
		gameID = gameID2

class Src(commands.Cog):

	def __init__(self, bot):
		self.bot = bot

	@commands.command(description="Posts all pending runs to #pending-runs")
	async def pending(self, ctx):
		await clear(self)
		await pendingRuns(self, ctx)

	async def verify(self, ctx, apiKey=None):
		if apiKey == None:
			await ctx.send(f"Please try again this command by getting an apiKey from https://www.speedrun.com/api/auth then do `{ctx.prefix}verify <apiKey>` in my DMs or anywhere in this server. \nBe careful who you share this key with. To learn more check out https://github.com/speedruncomorg/api/blob/master/authentication.md")
		elif ctx.guild != None:
			await ctx.message.delete()
		await verifyRole(self, ctx, apiKey)

def setup(bot):