Steam on x86_64 requires support for OpenGL in 32bits mode, install any of the following packages for your hardware: Generic: - libgcc-32bit libstdc++-32bit libglvnd-32bit For users of the open source drivers: - mesa-ati-dri-32bit (AMD) - mesa-intel-dri-32bit (Intel) - mesa-nouveau-dri-32bit (NVIDIA) For users of the proprietary NVIDIA driver: - nvidia-libs-32bit (latest nvidia package) - nvidia390-libs-32bit (latest previous package) - nvidia340-libs-32bit (latest package for old GPUs) Do not forget to enable the `multilib` and `multilib/nonfree` repositories in xbps, i.e: # xbps-install -Syv void-repo-multilib{,-nonfree} # xbps-install -S to install any of those packages mentioned above.