Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* xdg-desktop-portal-kde: update to 6.2.4.HEADmasterJohn2024-12-271-3/+3
* systemsettings: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* sddm-kcm: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* print-manager: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* powerdevil: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* polkit-kde-agent: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma5support: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-workspace: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* plasma-workspace-wallpapers: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-vault: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-thunderbolt: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-systemmonitor: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* plasma-sdk: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-pa: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-nm: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-integration: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* plasma-firewall: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-disks: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-desktop: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* plasma-browser-integration: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-activities: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* plasma-activities-stats: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* oxygen-sounds: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* oxygen-qt6: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* oxygen-qt5: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* milou: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* libplasma: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* libksysguard: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* libkf6screen: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* layer-shell-qt: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* kwrited: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* kwin: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* kwayland-integration: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* kwallet-pam: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* ksystemstats: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* ksshaskpass: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* kscreenlocker: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* kscreen: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* krdp: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* kpipewire: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* kmenuedit: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* kinfocenter: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* kglobalacceld: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* kgamma: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* kf6-kwayland: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3
* kf6-kdecoration: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* kdeplasma-addons: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* bluedevil: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* kde-gtk-config: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-2/+2
* kde-cli-tools: update to 6.2.4.John2024-12-271-3/+3