path: root/cogs/utils.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cogs/utils.py')
1 files changed, 526 insertions, 535 deletions
diff --git a/cogs/utils.py b/cogs/utils.py
index 1ff6820..005806d 100755
--- a/cogs/utils.py
+++ b/cogs/utils.py
@@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ from pytz import exceptions, timezone
async def reportStuff(self, ctx, message):
- channel = self.bot.get_channel(
- int(self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["report_channel"])
- )
+ channel = self.bot.get_channel(
+ int(self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["report_channel"])
+ )
- embed = discord.Embed(
- title=f"Report from {ctx.message.author}",
- description=f"{message}",
- color=ctx.message.author.color,
- timestamp=ctx.message.created_at,
- )
+ embed = discord.Embed(
+ title=f"Report from {ctx.message.author}",
+ description=f"{message}",
+ color=ctx.message.author.color,
+ timestamp=ctx.message.created_at,
+ )
- await channel.send(embed=embed)
- await ctx.author.send("Report has been submitted")
+ await channel.send(embed=embed)
+ await ctx.author.send("Report has been submitted")
# def save_leaderboard():
@@ -91,530 +91,521 @@ async def reportStuff(self, ctx, message):
class Utils(commands.Cog):
- def __init__(self, bot):
- self.bot = bot
- self.tries = 1
- self.pins = []
- @commands.command(
- description="Pong!",
- help="Tells the ping of the bot to the discord servers",
- brief="Tells the ping",
- )
- async def ping(self, ctx):
- await ctx.send(f"Pong! {round(self.bot.latency*1000)}ms")
- @commands.cooldown(1, 25, commands.BucketType.guild)
- @commands.command()
- async def findseed(self, ctx):
- """Test your luck"""
- if ctx.message.channel.id != int(
- self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["bot_channel"]
- ):
- await ctx.message.delete()
- ctx.command.reset_cooldown(ctx)
- return
- # Don't ask
- rigged_findseed = {
- 280428276810383370: 12, # Thomas's User ID
- 199070670221475842: -1, # Kai's User ID
- 615658069132836865: -12, # What a fraud! They didn't use their real name.
- }
- if ctx.author.id in rigged_findseed:
- total_eyes = rigged_findseed[ctx.author.id]
- else:
- total_eyes = sum(1 for i in range(12) if randint(1, 10) == 1)
- await ctx.send(
- f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)} -> your seed is a {total_eyes} eye"
- )
- @findseed.error
- async def findseed_handler(self, ctx, error):
- if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown):
- if ctx.message.channel.id != int(
- self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["bot_channel"]
- ):
- ctx.command.reset_cooldown(ctx)
- await ctx.message.delete()
- return
- else:
- await ctx.send(error)
- # await ctx.send(f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)}, you have to wait {round(error.retry_after, 7)} seconds before using this again.")
- @commands.command()
- async def findsleep(self, ctx):
- """Test your sleep"""
- if ctx.message.channel.id != int(
- self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["bot_channel"]
- ):
- await ctx.message.delete()
- return
- # DON'T ASK!
- lessSleepMsg = (
- "gn, insomniac!",
- "counting sheep didn't work? try counting chloroform vials!",
- "try a glass of water",
- "some decaf coffee might do the trick!",
- )
- moreSleepMsg = (
- "waaakeee uuuppp!",
- "are they dead or asleep? I can't tell.",
- "wake up, muffin head",
- "psst... coffeeee \\:D",
- )
- # Optional TODO: Create non-normal distribution
- sleepHrs = randint(0, 24)
- # Add extra comment based on number of sleepHrs
- if sleepHrs == 0:
- await ctx.send(
- f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)} -> your sleep is 0 hours long - nice try \:D"
- )
- elif sleepHrs <= 5:
- if sleepHrs == 1:
- s = ""
- else:
- s = "s"
- await ctx.send(
- f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)} -> your sleep is {sleepHrs} hour{s} long - {lessSleepMsg[randint(0, len(lessSleepMsg) - 1)]}"
- )
- else:
- await ctx.send(
- f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)} -> your sleep is {sleepHrs} hours long - {moreSleepMsg[randint(0, len(moreSleepMsg) - 1)]}"
- )
- @commands.Cog.listener()
- async def on_reaction_add(self, reaction, user):
- if (
- reaction.emoji == "⭐"
- and not reaction.message.id in self.pins
- and reaction.count >= 5
- ):
- self.pins.append(reaction.message.id)
- embed = discord.Embed(
- title="**New Starred Message**",
- description=reaction.message.content,
- colour=discord.Colour(0xB92C36),
- url=reaction.message.jump_url,
- timestamp=reaction.message.created_at,
- )
- for attachement in reaction.message.attachments:
- if attachement.height:
- embed.set_image(url=attachement.url)
- embed.set_author(
- name=str(reaction.message.author),
- icon_url=reaction.message.author.avatar_url_as(format="png"),
- )
- embed.set_footer(text=reaction.message.id)
- # embed.add_field(name="Stars", value=reaction.count)
- channel = self.bot.get_channel(
- int(self.bot.config[str(reaction.message.guild.id)]["pins_channel"])
- )
- await channel.send(embed=embed)
- @commands.Cog.listener()
- async def on_member_join(self, member):
- if member.id == 640933433215811634:
- await member.edit(nick="JoetheSheepFucker")
- def check(msg):
- return msg.author == member and msg.type != discord.MessageType.new_member
- try:
- msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=check, timeout=300)
- await msg.channel.send("<:PeepoPog:732172337956257872>")
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- pass
- @commands.Cog.listener()
- async def on_member_update(self, before, after):
- if after.id == 640933433215811634:
- await after.edit(nick="JoetheSheepFucker")
- @commands.Cog.listener()
- async def on_message(self, message):
- if not message.guild:
- return
- if message.author.bot:
- return
- if (
- "<@!280428276810383370>" in message.content
- or "<@280428276810383370>" in message.content
- ):
- await message.channel.send("<:MangoPing:760286455238361129>")
- badWords = ("fair", "ⓕⓐⓘⓡ")
- count = 0
- year = datetime.date.today().year
- CoolKids = namedtuple(
- "CoolKid",
- [
- "name",
- "user",
- "bday",
- ],
- )
- coolKids = (
- CoolKids(
- name="Cameron",
- user=self.bot.get_user(468262902969663488),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 10, 8),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Indy",
- user=self.bot.get_user(274923326890311691),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 9, 10),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Kai",
- user=self.bot.get_user(199070670221475842),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 26),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Luca",
- user=self.bot.get_user(99457716614885376),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 5),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Max",
- user=self.bot.get_user(543958509243596800),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 10),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Daniel",
- user=self.bot.get_user(264121998173536256),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 7, 6),
- ), # Mistaken
- CoolKids(
- name="Jake",
- user=self.bot.get_user(400344183333847060),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 10),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Nevaeh",
- user=self.bot.get_user(744383381843738633),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 5),
- ),
- # Prakxo
- CoolKids(
- name="Samantha",
- user=self.bot.get_user(226312219787264000),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 6, 24),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Scott",
- user=self.bot.get_user(223937483774230528),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 6, 23),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Skye",
- user=self.bot.get_user(329538915805691905),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 6, 24),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Thomas",
- user=self.bot.get_user(280428276810383370),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 9, 29),
- ),
- # Zyemlus
- CoolKids(
- name="Samantha",
- user=self.bot.get_user(536071288859656193),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 8, 23),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Landen",
- user=self.bot.get_user(654025117025828885),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 8, 24),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Oceanlight",
- user=self.bot.get_user(615658069132836865),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 4, 9),
- ),
- # Shadowfi
- CoolKids(
- name="Daniel",
- user=self.bot.get_user(586664256217415681),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 14),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Sawyer",
- user=self.bot.get_user(404873210597867541),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 9, 12),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Marco",
- user=self.bot.get_user(299668599650648065),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 12),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Tyler",
- user=self.bot.get_user(619322461749641246),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 3, 4),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Avery",
- user=self.bot.get_user(538824552906489874),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 10, 16),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Matthew",
- user=self.bot.get_user(525365553842356225),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 1, 2),
- ),
- CoolKids(
- name="Samuel",
- user=self.bot.get_user(615235547920597150),
- bday=datetime.date(year, 12, 13),
- ),
- )
- for kid in coolKids:
- if datetime.date.today() == kid.bday:
- try:
- for i in range(self.tries):
- await kid.user.send(
- f"Happy Birthday {kid.name}! You're a boomer now! <:mangopog:730683234039365722>"
- )
- self.tries = 1
- except:
- self.tries += 1
- # *Don't* ask
- if message.author.id == 289721817516605440: # An ultra special dude
- text = (
- unicodedata.normalize("NFD", message.context)
- .encode("ascii", "ignore")
- .decode("utf-8")
- )
- if "women" in text.lower() or "woman" in text.lower():
- await message.channel.send("<:shut:808844274933694474>")
- for word in badWords:
- if word in message.content.lower().replace(" ", ""):
- # get fair object
- with open("fair.json", "r") as f:
- fair = json.load(f)
- # if fairer's ID in fair.json
- userId = str(message.author.id)
- if userId in fair:
- # TODO: use timezones (get this time based on timezones to fair.json - default to GMT)
- tz = fair[userId]["timezone"]
- today = str(datetime.datetime.now(timezone(tz)).date())
- yesterday = str(
- datetime.datetime.now(timezone(tz)).date() - timedelta(1)
- )
- # if date in json != current date
- date = fair[userId]["date"]
- if date != today:
- # increment fair day
- fairDay = fair[userId]["day"] + 1
- fairStreak = fair[userId]["streak"]
- # if the user faired yesterday
- if yesterday == date:
- fairStreak = fair[userId]["streak"] + 1
- else:
- fairStreak = 1
- await message.channel.send(
- "streak lost. <:sad:716629485449117708>"
- )
- # only send && update if user is fairing for the first time today
- fair[userId] = {
- "day": fairDay,
- "streak": fairStreak,
- "date": today,
- "timezone": tz,
- }
- fairInfo = f"day {fair[userId]['day']}, streak {fair[userId]['streak']}"
- await message.channel.send(fairInfo)
- # new user - not in fair.json
- else:
- # default to GMT
- tz = "Europe/London"
- today = str(datetime.datetime.now(timezone(tz)).date())
- fair[userId] = {
- "day": 1,
- "streak": 1,
- "date": today,
- "timezone": tz,
- }
- fairInfo = (
- f"day {fair[userId]['day']}, streak {fair[userId]['streak']}"
- )
- await message.channel.send(fairInfo)
- # overwrite with new fair object
- with open("fair.json", "w") as f:
- json.dump(fair, f, indent=4)
- count += 1
- fairMsg = "Fair " * count
- try:
- await message.channel.send(fairMsg)
- except UnboundLocalError:
- pass
- # 24 hour cooldown
- # should probably be longer - we can't have these kids cheating!
- @commands.cooldown(1, 86400, commands.BucketType.user)
- @commands.command()
- async def timezone(self, ctx, timeZone):
- """set timezone for fair days/streaks"""
- # get fair object
- with open("fair.json", "r") as f:
- fair = json.load(f)
- # if this user has faired before
- userId = str(ctx.author.id)
- if userId not in fair:
- # new user
- await ctx.send("try saying 'fair' first")
- return
- try:
- # let users timezone = input timezone (string version so as to please json)
- # use timezone() simply to see if it's valid
- tz = str(timezone(timeZone))
- except exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError:
- await ctx.send(
- "That's not a valid timezone. You can look them up at https://kevinnovak.github.io/Time-Zone-Picker/"
- )
- return
- # set user's timezone to (verified) input zone
- fair[userId]["timezone"] = tz
- # overwrite with new fair object
- with open("fair.json", "w") as f:
- json.dump(fair, f, indent=4)
- await ctx.send(
- f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)} your timezone has been set to {timeZone}"
- )
- # TODO (this also needs a better name)
- # @commands.cooldown(1, 20, commands.BucketType.guild)
- # @commands.command()
- # async def fairleaderboard(self, ctx, timeZone):
- # """show fair leaderboard, ordered by streak, then days?"""
- # # get fair object
- # with open("fair.json", "r") as f:
- # fair = json.load(f)
- @commands.cooldown(1, 60, commands.BucketType.member)
- @commands.command()
- async def report(self, ctx, *, message=None):
- """Send a message to the super mods about anything"""
- if ctx.message.guild != None:
- await ctx.message.delete()
- if message == None:
- await ctx.message.author.send(
- "Please type a report to report (hehe, sounds funny)"
- )
- else:
- await reportStuff(self, ctx, message)
- @commands.cooldown(1, 20, commands.BucketType.guild)
- @commands.command()
- async def leaderboard(self, ctx):
- """Leaderboard of the people that matter"""
- async with ctx.typing():
- # try:
- # lbFunc = functools.partial(save_leaderboard)
- # await self.bot.loop.run_in_executor(None, lbFunc)
- # await ctx.send(file=discord.File("leaderboard.png"))
- # except:
- await ctx.send("https://aninternettroll.github.io/mcbeVerifierLeaderboard/")
- @commands.cooldown(1, 60, commands.BucketType.guild)
- @commands.command()
- async def someone(self, ctx):
- """Discord's mistake"""
- if ctx.channel.id != int(
- self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["fair_channel"]
- ):
- await ctx.send(choice(ctx.guild.members).mention)
- @commands.command()
- async def roll(self, ctx, pool):
- """Roll the dice"""
- await ctx.send(f"You rolled a {randint(0, int(pool))}")
- @commands.command(aliases=["commands", "allcommands"])
- async def listcommands(self, ctx):
- """List all custom commands"""
- with open("custom_commands.json", "r") as f:
- commands = json.load(f)
- output = ", ".join([*commands])
- await ctx.send(f"```List of custom commands:\n{output}```")
- @commands.command(aliases=["calc"])
- async def math(self, ctx, *, eqn: str):
- if '"' in eqn or "print" in eqn:
- return
- try:
- # Allow for proper absolute value notation
- pipes = eqn.count("|")
- eqn = eqn.replace("|", "abs(", pipes // 2).replace("|", ")", pipes // 2)
- with open("bc_input.bc", "w") as f:
- f.write(eqn)
- result = subprocess.check_output("utils/math", shell=True)
- os.remove("bc_input.bc")
- await ctx.send(result.decode("utf-8").replace("\\\n", "").strip())
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
- print(err)
- await ctx.send("Something went wrong")
- @commands.command()
- async def retime(self, ctx, start_sec, end_sec, frames=0, framerate=30):
- """Retimes a run using the start/end timestamps, leftover frames, and framerate"""
- if start_sec.count(":") == 2:
- start_sec = sum(
- x * int(t) for x, t in zip([3600, 60, 1], start_sec.split(":"))
- )
- elif start_sec.count(":") == 1:
- start_sec = sum(x * int(t) for x, t in zip([60, 1], start_sec.split(":")))
- else:
- start_sec = int(start_sec)
- if end_sec.count(":") == 2:
- end_sec = sum(x * int(t) for x, t in zip([3600, 60, 1], end_sec.split(":")))
- elif end_sec.count(":") == 1:
- end_sec = sum(x * int(t) for x, t in zip([60, 1], end_sec.split(":")))
- else:
- end_sec = int(end_sec)
- await ctx.send(
- str(
- timedelta(
- seconds=end_sec
- - start_sec
- + round((int(frames) / int(framerate)), 3)
- )
- ).replace("000", "")
- )
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.tries = 1
+ self.pins = []
+ @commands.command(
+ description="Pong!",
+ help="Tells the ping of the bot to the discord servers",
+ brief="Tells the ping",
+ )
+ async def ping(self, ctx):
+ await ctx.send(f"Pong! {round(self.bot.latency*1000)}ms")
+ @commands.cooldown(1, 25, commands.BucketType.guild)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def findseed(self, ctx):
+ """Test your luck"""
+ if ctx.message.channel.id != int(
+ self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["bot_channel"]
+ ):
+ await ctx.message.delete()
+ ctx.command.reset_cooldown(ctx)
+ return
+ # Don't ask
+ rigged_findseed = {
+ 280428276810383370: 12, # Thomas's User ID
+ 199070670221475842: -1, # Kai's User ID
+ 615658069132836865: -12, # What a fraud! They didn't use their real name.
+ }
+ if ctx.author.id in rigged_findseed:
+ total_eyes = rigged_findseed[ctx.author.id]
+ else:
+ total_eyes = sum(1 for i in range(12) if randint(1, 10) == 1)
+ await ctx.send(
+ f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)} -> your seed is a {total_eyes} eye"
+ )
+ @findseed.error
+ async def findseed_handler(self, ctx, error):
+ if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown):
+ if ctx.message.channel.id != int(
+ self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["bot_channel"]
+ ):
+ ctx.command.reset_cooldown(ctx)
+ await ctx.message.delete()
+ return
+ else:
+ await ctx.send(error)
+ # await ctx.send(f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)}, you have to wait {round(error.retry_after, 7)} seconds before using this again.")
+ @commands.command()
+ async def findsleep(self, ctx):
+ """Test your sleep"""
+ if ctx.message.channel.id != int(
+ self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["bot_channel"]
+ ):
+ await ctx.message.delete()
+ return
+ # DON'T ASK!
+ lessSleepMsg = (
+ "gn, insomniac!",
+ "counting sheep didn't work? try counting chloroform vials!",
+ "try a glass of water",
+ "some decaf coffee might do the trick!",
+ )
+ moreSleepMsg = (
+ "waaakeee uuuppp!",
+ "are they dead or asleep? I can't tell.",
+ "wake up, muffin head",
+ "psst... coffeeee \\:D",
+ )
+ # Optional TODO: Create non-normal distribution
+ sleepHrs = randint(0, 24)
+ # Add extra comment based on number of sleepHrs
+ if sleepHrs == 0:
+ await ctx.send(
+ f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)} -> your sleep is 0 hours long - nice try \:D"
+ )
+ elif sleepHrs <= 5:
+ if sleepHrs == 1:
+ s = ""
+ else:
+ s = "s"
+ await ctx.send(
+ f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)} -> your sleep is {sleepHrs} hour{s} long - {lessSleepMsg[randint(0, len(lessSleepMsg) - 1)]}"
+ )
+ else:
+ await ctx.send(
+ f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)} -> your sleep is {sleepHrs} hours long - {moreSleepMsg[randint(0, len(moreSleepMsg) - 1)]}"
+ )
+ @commands.Cog.listener()
+ async def on_reaction_add(self, reaction, user):
+ if (
+ reaction.emoji == "⭐"
+ and not reaction.message.id in self.pins
+ and reaction.count >= 5
+ ):
+ self.pins.append(reaction.message.id)
+ embed = discord.Embed(
+ title="**New Starred Message**",
+ description=reaction.message.content,
+ colour=discord.Colour(0xB92C36),
+ url=reaction.message.jump_url,
+ timestamp=reaction.message.created_at,
+ )
+ for attachement in reaction.message.attachments:
+ if attachement.height:
+ embed.set_image(url=attachement.url)
+ embed.set_author(
+ name=str(reaction.message.author),
+ icon_url=reaction.message.author.avatar_url_as(format="png"),
+ )
+ embed.set_footer(text=reaction.message.id)
+ # embed.add_field(name="Stars", value=reaction.count)
+ channel = self.bot.get_channel(
+ int(self.bot.config[str(reaction.message.guild.id)]["pins_channel"])
+ )
+ await channel.send(embed=embed)
+ @commands.Cog.listener()
+ async def on_member_join(self, member):
+ if member.id == 640933433215811634:
+ await member.edit(nick="JoetheSheepFucker")
+ def check(msg):
+ return msg.author == member and msg.type != discord.MessageType.new_member
+ await msg.channel.send(
+ f"{member.mention}\n"
+ + "controller is allowed on mobile\n"
+ + "keyboard and mouse is allowed on console\n"
+ + "submit the run as the physical device you played on"
+ )
+ try:
+ msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=check, timeout=300)
+ await msg.channel.send("<:PeepoPog:732172337956257872>")
+ except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+ pass
+ @commands.Cog.listener()
+ async def on_member_update(self, before, after):
+ if after.id == 640933433215811634:
+ await after.edit(nick="JoetheSheepFucker")
+ @commands.Cog.listener()
+ async def on_message(self, message):
+ if not message.guild:
+ return
+ if message.author.bot:
+ return
+ if (
+ "<@!280428276810383370>" in message.content
+ or "<@280428276810383370>" in message.content
+ ):
+ await message.channel.send("<:MangoPing:760286455238361129>")
+ badWords = ("fair", "ⓕⓐⓘⓡ")
+ count = 0
+ year = datetime.date.today().year
+ CoolKids = namedtuple(
+ "CoolKid",
+ [
+ "name",
+ "user",
+ "bday",
+ ],
+ )
+ coolKids = (
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Cameron",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(468262902969663488),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 10, 8),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Indy",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(274923326890311691),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 9, 10),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Kai",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(199070670221475842),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 26),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Luca",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(99457716614885376),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 5),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Max",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(543958509243596800),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 10),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Daniel",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(264121998173536256),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 7, 6),
+ ), # Mistaken
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Jake",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(400344183333847060),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 10),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Nevaeh",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(744383381843738633),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 5),
+ ),
+ # Prakxo
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Samantha",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(226312219787264000),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 6, 24),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Scott",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(223937483774230528),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 6, 23),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Skye",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(329538915805691905),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 6, 24),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Thomas",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(280428276810383370),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 9, 29),
+ ),
+ # Zyemlus
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Samantha",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(536071288859656193),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 8, 23),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Landen",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(654025117025828885),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 8, 24),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Oceanlight",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(615658069132836865),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 4, 9),
+ ),
+ # Shadowfi
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Daniel",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(586664256217415681),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 14),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Sawyer",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(404873210597867541),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 9, 12),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Marco",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(299668599650648065),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 11, 12),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Tyler",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(619322461749641246),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 3, 4),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Avery",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(538824552906489874),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 10, 16),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Matthew",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(525365553842356225),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 1, 2),
+ ),
+ CoolKids(
+ name="Samuel",
+ user=self.bot.get_user(615235547920597150),
+ bday=datetime.date(year, 12, 13),
+ ),
+ )
+ for kid in coolKids:
+ if datetime.date.today() == kid.bday:
+ try:
+ for i in range(self.tries):
+ await kid.user.send(
+ f"Happy Birthday {kid.name}! You're a boomer now! <:mangopog:730683234039365722>"
+ )
+ self.tries = 1
+ except:
+ self.tries += 1
+ # *Don't* ask
+ if message.author.id == 289721817516605440: # An ultra special dude
+ text = (
+ unicodedata.normalize("NFD", message.context)
+ .encode("ascii", "ignore")
+ .decode("utf-8")
+ )
+ if "women" in text.lower() or "woman" in text.lower():
+ await message.channel.send("<:shut:808844274933694474>")
+ for word in badWords:
+ if word in message.content.lower().replace(" ", ""):
+ # get fair object
+ with open("fair.json", "r") as f:
+ fair = json.load(f)
+ # if fairer's ID in fair.json
+ userId = str(message.author.id)
+ if userId in fair:
+ # TODO: use timezones (get this time based on timezones to fair.json - default to GMT)
+ tz = fair[userId]["timezone"]
+ today = str(datetime.datetime.now(timezone(tz)).date())
+ yesterday = str(datetime.datetime.now(timezone(tz)).date() - timedelta(1))
+ # if date in json != current date
+ date = fair[userId]["date"]
+ if date != today:
+ # increment fair day
+ fairDay = fair[userId]["day"] + 1
+ fairStreak = fair[userId]["streak"]
+ # if the user faired yesterday
+ if yesterday == date:
+ fairStreak = fair[userId]["streak"] + 1
+ else:
+ fairStreak = 1
+ await message.channel.send("streak lost. <:sad:716629485449117708>")
+ # only send && update if user is fairing for the first time today
+ fair[userId] = {
+ "day": fairDay,
+ "streak": fairStreak,
+ "date": today,
+ "timezone": tz,
+ }
+ fairInfo = f"day {fair[userId]['day']}, streak {fair[userId]['streak']}"
+ await message.channel.send(fairInfo)
+ # new user - not in fair.json
+ else:
+ # default to GMT
+ tz = "Europe/London"
+ today = str(datetime.datetime.now(timezone(tz)).date())
+ fair[userId] = {
+ "day": 1,
+ "streak": 1,
+ "date": today,
+ "timezone": tz,
+ }
+ fairInfo = f"day {fair[userId]['day']}, streak {fair[userId]['streak']}"
+ await message.channel.send(fairInfo)
+ # overwrite with new fair object
+ with open("fair.json", "w") as f:
+ json.dump(fair, f, indent=4)
+ count += 1
+ fairMsg = "Fair " * count
+ try:
+ await message.channel.send(fairMsg)
+ except UnboundLocalError:
+ pass
+ # 24 hour cooldown
+ # should probably be longer - we can't have these kids cheating!
+ @commands.cooldown(1, 86400, commands.BucketType.user)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def timezone(self, ctx, timeZone):
+ """set timezone for fair days/streaks"""
+ # get fair object
+ with open("fair.json", "r") as f:
+ fair = json.load(f)
+ # if this user has faired before
+ userId = str(ctx.author.id)
+ if userId not in fair:
+ # new user
+ await ctx.send("try saying 'fair' first")
+ return
+ try:
+ # let users timezone = input timezone (string version so as to please json)
+ # use timezone() simply to see if it's valid
+ tz = str(timezone(timeZone))
+ except exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError:
+ await ctx.send(
+ "That's not a valid timezone. You can look them up at https://kevinnovak.github.io/Time-Zone-Picker/"
+ )
+ return
+ # set user's timezone to (verified) input zone
+ fair[userId]["timezone"] = tz
+ # overwrite with new fair object
+ with open("fair.json", "w") as f:
+ json.dump(fair, f, indent=4)
+ await ctx.send(
+ f"{discord.utils.escape_mentions(ctx.message.author.display_name)} your timezone has been set to {timeZone}"
+ )
+ # TODO (this also needs a better name)
+ # @commands.cooldown(1, 20, commands.BucketType.guild)
+ # @commands.command()
+ # async def fairleaderboard(self, ctx, timeZone):
+ # """show fair leaderboard, ordered by streak, then days?"""
+ # # get fair object
+ # with open("fair.json", "r") as f:
+ # fair = json.load(f)
+ @commands.cooldown(1, 60, commands.BucketType.member)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def report(self, ctx, *, message=None):
+ """Send a message to the super mods about anything"""
+ if ctx.message.guild != None:
+ await ctx.message.delete()
+ if message == None:
+ await ctx.message.author.send("Please type a report to report (hehe, sounds funny)")
+ else:
+ await reportStuff(self, ctx, message)
+ @commands.cooldown(1, 20, commands.BucketType.guild)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def leaderboard(self, ctx):
+ """Leaderboard of the people that matter"""
+ async with ctx.typing():
+ # try:
+ # lbFunc = functools.partial(save_leaderboard)
+ # await self.bot.loop.run_in_executor(None, lbFunc)
+ # await ctx.send(file=discord.File("leaderboard.png"))
+ # except:
+ await ctx.send("https://aninternettroll.github.io/mcbeVerifierLeaderboard/")
+ @commands.cooldown(1, 60, commands.BucketType.guild)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def someone(self, ctx):
+ """Discord's mistake"""
+ if ctx.channel.id != int(self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["fair_channel"]):
+ await ctx.send(choice(ctx.guild.members).mention)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def roll(self, ctx, pool):
+ """Roll the dice"""
+ await ctx.send(f"You rolled a {randint(0, int(pool))}")
+ @commands.command(aliases=["commands", "allcommands"])
+ async def listcommands(self, ctx):
+ """List all custom commands"""
+ with open("custom_commands.json", "r") as f:
+ commands = json.load(f)
+ output = ", ".join([*commands])
+ await ctx.send(f"```List of custom commands:\n{output}```")
+ @commands.command(aliases=["calc"])
+ async def math(self, ctx, *, eqn: str):
+ if '"' in eqn or "print" in eqn:
+ return
+ try:
+ # Allow for proper absolute value notation
+ pipes = eqn.count("|")
+ eqn = eqn.replace("|", "abs(", pipes // 2).replace("|", ")", pipes // 2)
+ with open("bc_input.bc", "w") as f:
+ f.write(eqn)
+ result = subprocess.check_output("utils/math", shell=True)
+ os.remove("bc_input.bc")
+ await ctx.send(result.decode("utf-8").replace("\\\n", "").strip())
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
+ print(err)
+ await ctx.send("Something went wrong")
+ @commands.command()
+ async def retime(self, ctx, start_sec, end_sec, frames=0, framerate=30):
+ """Retimes a run using the start/end timestamps, leftover frames, and framerate"""
+ if start_sec.count(":") == 2:
+ start_sec = sum(x * int(t) for x, t in zip([3600, 60, 1], start_sec.split(":")))
+ elif start_sec.count(":") == 1:
+ start_sec = sum(x * int(t) for x, t in zip([60, 1], start_sec.split(":")))
+ else:
+ start_sec = int(start_sec)
+ if end_sec.count(":") == 2:
+ end_sec = sum(x * int(t) for x, t in zip([3600, 60, 1], end_sec.split(":")))
+ elif end_sec.count(":") == 1:
+ end_sec = sum(x * int(t) for x, t in zip([60, 1], end_sec.split(":")))
+ else:
+ end_sec = int(end_sec)
+ await ctx.send(
+ str(
+ timedelta(seconds=end_sec - start_sec + round((int(frames) / int(framerate)), 3))
+ ).replace("000", "")
+ )
def setup(bot):
- bot.add_cog(Utils(bot))
+ bot.add_cog(Utils(bot))