path: root/cogs/src.py
diff options
authorziro <palembani@gmail.com>2020-08-05 03:53:17 +0000
committerziro <palembani@gmail.com>2020-08-05 03:53:17 +0000
commitc69d0ff2cfcf9de0c162e27e75cb6f6a945c61bc (patch)
tree8b0c2fd8fecb9df61b33bd5998aafc0425b34070 /cogs/src.py
parent7e3f3e006d3cf29001e3990375d028dc9c91b757 (diff)
+ Tweaking
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 291 deletions
diff --git a/cogs/src.py b/cogs/src.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a382418..0000000
--- a/cogs/src.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-from discord.ext import commands
-from discord.ext import tasks
-from discord.utils import get
-from datetime import timedelta
-import discord
-import requests
-import json
-import asyncio
-import dateutil.parser
-from pathlib import Path
-async def rejectRun(self, apiKey, ctx, run, reason):
- await ctx.message.delete()
- run = run.split('/')[-1]
- reject = {"status": {"status": "rejected", "reason": reason}}
- r = requests.put(f"https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs/{run}/status",
- headers={
- "X-API-Key": apiKey,
- "Accept": "application/json",
- "User-Agent": "mcbeDiscordBot/1.0"
- },
- data=json.dumps(reject))
- if r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 204:
- await ctx.send(f'Run rejected succesfully for `{reason}`')
- else:
- await ctx.send("Something went wrong")
- await ctx.message.author.send(
- f"```json\n{json.dumps(json.loads(r.text),indent=4)}```")
-async def approveRun(self, apiKey, ctx, run, reason=None):
- await ctx.message.delete()
- run = run.split('/')[-1]
- if reason == None:
- approve = {"status": {"status": "verified"}}
- else:
- approve = {"status": {"status": "verified", "reason": reason}}
- r = requests.put(f"https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs/{run}/status",
- headers={
- "X-API-Key": apiKey,
- "Accept": "application/json",
- "User-Agent": "mcbeDiscordBot/1.0"
- },
- data=json.dumps(approve))
- if r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 204:
- await ctx.send("Run approved succesfully")
- else:
- await ctx.send("Something went wrong")
- await ctx.message.author.send(
- f"```json\n{json.dumps(json.loads(r.text),indent=4)}```")
-async def deleteRun(self, apiKey, ctx, run):
- await ctx.message.delete()
- run = run.split('/')[-1]
- r = requests.delete(f"https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs/{run}",
- headers={
- "X-API-Key": apiKey,
- "Accept": "application/json",
- "User-Agent": "mcbeDiscordBot/1.0"
- })
- if r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 204:
- await ctx.send("Run deleted succesfully")
- else:
- await ctx.send("Something went wrong")
- await ctx.message.author.send(
- f"```json\n{json.dumps(json.loads(r.text),indent=4)}```")
-async def pendingRuns(self, ctx):
- mcbe_runs = 0
- mcbeil_runs = 0
- mcbece_runs = 0
- runs_to_reject = []
- head = {"Accept": "application/json", "User-Agent": "mcbeDiscordBot/1.0"}
- gameID = 'yd4ovvg1' # ID of Minecraft bedrock
- gameID2 = 'v1po7r76' # ID of Category extension
- runsRequest = requests.get(
- f'https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs?game={gameID}&status=new&max=200&embed=category,players,level&orderby=submitted',
- headers=head)
- runs = json.loads(runsRequest.text)
- runsRequest2 = requests.get(
- f'https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs?game={gameID2}&status=new&max=200&embed=category,players,level&orderby=submitted',
- headers=head)
- runs2 = json.loads(runsRequest2.text)
- # Use https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/games?abbreviation=mcbe for ID
- for game in range(2):
- for i in range(200):
- leaderboard = '' # A little ugly but prevents name not defined error
- level = False
- try:
- for key, value in runs['data'][i].items():
- if key == 'id':
- run_id = value
- if key == 'weblink':
- link = value
- if key == 'level':
- if value["data"]:
- level = True
- categoryName = value["data"]["name"]
- if key == 'category' and not level:
- categoryName = value["data"]["name"]
- if key == 'videos':
- if value['links'][0]['uri'] in self.bot.runs_blacklist[
- "videos"]:
- await rejectRun(
- self, self.bot.config['api_key'], ctx, run_id,
- 'Detected as spam by our automatic filter')
- if key == 'players':
- if value["data"][0]["names"][
- "international"] in self.bot.runs_blacklist[
- "players"]:
- runs_to_reject.append([run_id, value['data'][0]['names']['international']])
- elif value["data"][0]['rel'] == 'guest':
- player = value["data"][0]['name']
- else:
- player = value["data"][0]["names"]["international"]
- if key == 'times':
- rta = timedelta(seconds=value['realtime_t'])
- if key == 'submitted':
- timestamp = dateutil.parser.isoparse(value)
- except Exception as e:
- print(e.args)
- break
- if game == 0:
- if level == True:
- mcbeil_runs += 1
- leaderboard = 'Individual Level Run'
- else:
- mcbe_runs += 1
- leaderboard = "Full Game Run" # If this doesn't work I'm starting a genocide
- elif game == 1:
- leaderboard = "Category Extension Run"
- mcbece_runs += 1
- embed = discord.Embed(
- title=leaderboard,
- url=link,
- description=
- f"{categoryName} in `{str(rta).replace('000','')}` by **{player}**",
- color=16711680 + i * 60,
- timestamp=timestamp)
- await self.bot.get_channel(
- int(self.bot.config[str(
- ctx.message.guild.id)]["pending_channel"])
- ).send(embed=embed)
- runs = runs2
- gameID = gameID2
- embed_stats = discord.Embed(
- title='Pending Run Stats',
- description=
- f"Full Game Runs: {mcbe_runs}\nIndividual Level Runs: {mcbeil_runs}\nCategory Extension Runs: {mcbece_runs}",
- color=16711680 + i * 60)
- await self.bot.get_channel(
- int(self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["pending_channel"])
- ).send(embed=embed_stats)
- for run in runs_to_reject:
- await rejectRun(self, self.bot.config['api_key'], ctx, run[0], f'Detected as a banned player ({run[1]}) by our automatic filter')
-async def verifyNew(self, apiKey=None, userID=None):
- if apiKey == None:
- head = {
- "Accept": "application/json",
- "User-Agent": "mcbeDiscordBot/1.0"
- }
- else:
- head = {
- "X-API-Key": apiKey,
- "Accept": "application/json",
- "User-Agent": "mcbeDiscordBot/1.0"
- }
- server = self.bot.get_guild(574267523869179904)
- # Troll is mentally challenged I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- RunneRole = server.get_role(574268937454223361)
- WrRole = server.get_role(583622436378116107)
- #if userID == None:
- # return
- #else:
- user = self.bot.get_user(int(userID))
- data = json.loads(Path('./api_keys.json').read_text())
- if str(user.id) in data:
- pbs = requests.get(
- f"https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/users/{data[str(user.id)]}/personal-bests",
- headers=head)
- pbs = json.loads(pbs.text)
- else:
- r = requests.get('https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/profile',
- headers=head)
- # print(r.text)
- if r.status_code >= 400:
- await user.send(f"```json\n{r.text}```")
- return
- try:
- profile = json.loads(r.text)
- except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
- return
- srcUserID = profile["data"]["id"]
- with open('api_keys.json', 'w') as file:
- data[user.id] = srcUserID
- json.dump(data, file, indent=4)
- pbs = requests.get(profile["data"]["links"][3]["uri"], headers=head)
- pbs = json.loads(pbs.text)
- wrCounter = False
- runnerCounter = False
- for i in pbs["data"]:
- if i["place"] == 1:
- if i["run"]["game"] == "yd4ovvg1" or i["run"]["game"] == "v1po7r76":
- if not i["run"]["level"]:
- wrCounter = True
- if i["run"]["game"] == "yd4ovvg1" or i["run"]["game"] == "v1po7r76":
- # I have no shame
- runnerCounter = True
- if wrCounter:
- await server.get_member(user.id).add_roles(WrRole)
- else:
- await server.get_member(user.id).remove_roles(WrRole)
- if runnerCounter:
- await server.get_member(user.id).add_roles(RunneRole)
- else:
- await server.get_member(user.id).remove_roles(RunneRole)
-class Src(commands.Cog):
- def __init__(self, bot):
- self.bot = bot
- self.checker.start()
- async def is_mod(ctx):
- return ctx.author.guild_permissions.manage_channels
- @commands.command(description="Posts all pending runs to #pending-runs")
- @commands.guild_only()
- async def pending(self, ctx):
- async with ctx.typing():
- await self.bot.get_channel(
- int(self.bot.config[str(
- ctx.message.guild.id)]["pending_channel"])).purge(limit=500
- )
- await pendingRuns(self, ctx)
- @commands.command(description="Reject runs quickly")
- @commands.check(is_mod)
- @commands.guild_only()
- async def reject(self, ctx, apiKey, run, *, reason):
- await rejectRun(self, apiKey, ctx, run, reason)
- @commands.command(description="Approve runs quickly")
- @commands.check(is_mod)
- @commands.guild_only()
- async def approve(self, ctx, apiKey, run, *, reason=None):
- await approveRun(self, apiKey, ctx, run, reason)
- @commands.command(description="Delete runs quickly")
- @commands.check(is_mod)
- @commands.guild_only()
- async def delete(self, ctx, apiKey, run):
- await deleteRun(self, apiKey, ctx, run)
- @commands.command()
- async def verify(self, ctx, apiKey=None, userID=None):
- self.bot.messageBlacklist.append(ctx.message.id)
- if apiKey == None:
- data = json.loads(Path('./api_keys.json').read_text())
- if not str(ctx.author.id) in data:
- await ctx.send(
- f"Please try again this command by getting an apiKey from https://www.speedrun.com/api/auth then do `{ctx.prefix}verify <apiKey>` in my DMs or anywhere in this server. \nBe careful who you share this key with. To learn more check out https://github.com/speedruncomorg/api/blob/master/authentication.md"
- )
- return
- if ctx.guild != None:
- await ctx.message.delete()
- async with ctx.typing():
- if userID == None:
- userID = ctx.message.author.id
- await verifyNew(self, apiKey, userID)
- @tasks.loop(minutes=10.0)
- async def checker(self):
- data = json.loads(Path('./api_keys.json').read_text())
- for key, value in data.items():
- await verifyNew(self, None, key)
-def setup(bot):
- bot.add_cog(Src(bot))