diff options
authorMango0x45 <thomasvoss@live.com>2020-08-18 13:57:51 +0000
committerMango0x45 <thomasvoss@live.com>2020-08-18 13:57:51 +0000
commit490420649fe8a0d5c729493a09bb1b91b92eebdd (patch)
parent8936efc65d2c01a7e94edd30fafe654ca62d4854 (diff)
Complete rewrite of the pending runs function
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/cogs/src.py b/cogs/src.py
index fe62e4d..f815471 100755
--- a/cogs/src.py
+++ b/cogs/src.py
@@ -10,6 +10,18 @@ from discord.ext import commands, tasks
from discord.utils import get
+class SubmittedRun:
+ def __init__(self, game, _id, category, video, players, duration, _type):
+ self.game = game
+ self._id = _id
+ self.category = category
+ self.video = video
+ self.players = players
+ self.duration = duration
+ self._type = _type
+ self.link = f'https://www.speedrun.com/{game}/run/{_id}'
async def rejectRun(self, apiKey, ctx, run, reason):
await ctx.message.delete()
run = run.split('/')[-1]
@@ -69,98 +81,158 @@ async def deleteRun(self, apiKey, ctx, run):
async def pendingRuns(self, ctx):
+ def banned_player_coop(run):
+ for player in run.players:
+ if player in self.bot.runs_blacklist["players"]:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def duplicate_run(run):
+ for pending_run in pending_runs:
+ if run._id != pending_run._id and run.category == pending_run.category and run.video == pending_run.video and run.duration == pending_run.duration:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def get_player_name(player):
+ if player["rel"] == 'user':
+ return player["names"]["international"]
+ else:
+ return player["name"]
mcbe_runs = 0
mcbeil_runs = 0
mcbece_runs = 0
+ pending_runs = []
runs_to_reject = []
+ game_ids = ['yd4ovvg1', 'v1po7r76'] # [mcbe, mcbece]
head = {"Accept": "application/json", "User-Agent": "mcbeDiscordBot/1.0"}
- gameID = 'yd4ovvg1' # ID of Minecraft bedrock
- gameID2 = 'v1po7r76' # ID of Category extension
- runsRequest = requests.get(
- f'https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs?game={gameID}&status=new&max=200&embed=category,players,level&orderby=submitted',
- headers=head)
- runs = json.loads(runsRequest.text)
- runsRequest2 = requests.get(
- f'https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs?game={gameID2}&status=new&max=200&embed=category,players,level&orderby=submitted',
- headers=head)
- runs2 = json.loads(runsRequest2.text)
- # Use https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/games?abbreviation=mcbe for ID
- for game in range(2):
- for i in range(200):
- leaderboard = '' # A little ugly but prevents name not defined error
- level = False
- try:
- for key, value in runs['data'][i].items():
- if key == 'id':
- run_id = value
- if key == 'weblink':
- link = value
- if key == 'level':
- if value["data"]:
- level = True
- categoryName = value["data"]["name"]
- if key == 'category' and not level:
- categoryName = value["data"]["name"]
- if key == 'videos':
- if value['links'][0]['uri'] in self.bot.runs_blacklist[
- "videos"]:
- await rejectRun(
- self, self.bot.config['api_key'], ctx, run_id,
- 'Detected as spam by our automatic filter')
- if key == 'players':
- if value["data"][0]["names"][
- "international"] in self.bot.runs_blacklist[
- "players"]:
- runs_to_reject.append([run_id, value['data'][0]['names']['international']])
- elif value["data"][0]['rel'] == 'guest':
- player = value["data"][0]['name']
- else:
- player = value["data"][0]["names"]["international"]
- if key == 'times':
- rta = timedelta(seconds=value['realtime_t'])
- if key == 'submitted':
- timestamp = dateutil.parser.isoparse(value)
- except IndexError:
- #print(e.args)
- break
- except:
- continue
- if game == 0:
- if level == True:
- mcbeil_runs += 1
- leaderboard = 'Individual Level Run'
- else:
- mcbe_runs += 1
- leaderboard = "Full Game Run" # If this doesn't work I'm starting a genocide
- elif game == 1:
- leaderboard = "Category Extension Run"
+ for game in game_ids:
+ runs_request = requests.get(
+ f'https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs?game={game}&status=new&max=200&embed=category,players,level&orderby=submitted',
+ headers=head)
+ runs = json.loads(runs_request.text)
+ for run in runs["data"]:
+ _id = run["id"]
+ duration = timedelta(seconds=run["times"]["realtime_t"])
+ if run["videos"] != None:
+ try:
+ video = run["videos"]["links"][0]["uri"]
+ except KeyError:
+ video = run["videos"]["text"]
+ else:
+ video = None
+ # Get the category name for each run, while specifiying if its a full game, il, or cat ext run
+ if run["level"]["data"] != []:
+ category = run["level"]["data"]["name"]
+ if game == 'yd4ovvg1':
+ _type = 'Individual Level'
+ else:
+ category = run["category"]["data"]["name"]
+ if game == 'yd4ovvg1':
+ _type = 'Full Game Run'
+ if game == 'v1po7r76':
+ _type = 'Category Extension'
+ # Set players to a string if solo, or a list if coop
+ if len(run["players"]["data"]) == 1:
+ players = get_player_name(run["players"]["data"][0])
+ else:
+ players = list(
+ map(lambda player: get_player_name(player),
+ run["players"]["data"]))
+ pending_run = SubmittedRun(game, _id, category, video, players,
+ duration, _type)
+ pending_runs.append(pending_run)
+ for run in pending_runs:
+ # Reject run if video is blacklisted
+ if run.video in self.bot.runs_blacklist["videos"]:
+ runs_to_reject.append(
+ [run, 'Detected as spam by our automatic filter.'])
+ # Reject run if player is banned (solo runs)
+ elif type(
+ run.players
+ ) == str and run.players in self.bot.runs_blacklist["players"]:
+ runs_to_reject.append([
+ run,
+ f'Detected as a banned player ({run.players}) run by our automatic filter.'
+ ])
+ # Reject run if player is banned (coop runs)
+ elif banned_player_coop(run) == True:
+ runs_to_reject.append([
+ run,
+ f'Detected as a banned player ({player}) run by our automatic filter.'
+ ])
+ # Reject run if duplicate submission
+ elif duplicate_run(run) == True:
+ runs_to_reject.append([
+ run,
+ 'Detected as a duplicate submission by our automatic filter.'
+ ])
+ pending_runs.remove(run)
+ else:
+ if run._type == 'Full Game Run':
+ mcbe_runs += 1
+ elif run._type == 'Individual Level':
+ mcbeil_runs += 1
+ else:
mcbece_runs += 1
+ # In the case of coop, change the player names from a list to a string for prettier output
+ if type(run.players) == list:
+ run.players = ', '.join(map(str, run.players))
embed = discord.Embed(
- title=leaderboard,
- url=link,
+ title=run._type,
+ url=run.link,
- f"{categoryName} in `{str(rta).replace('000','')}` by **{player}**",
- color=16711680 + i * 60,
- timestamp=timestamp)
+ f"{run.category} in `{str(run.duration).replace('000','')}` by **{run.players}**",
+ color=0x9400D3)
await self.bot.get_channel(
- runs = runs2
- gameID = gameID2
embed_stats = discord.Embed(
title='Pending Run Stats',
f"Full Game Runs: {mcbe_runs}\nIndividual Level Runs: {mcbeil_runs}\nCategory Extension Runs: {mcbece_runs}",
- color=16711680 + i * 60)
+ color=0x000000)
await self.bot.get_channel(
for run in runs_to_reject:
- await rejectRun(self, self.bot.config['api_key'], ctx, run[0], f'Detected as a banned player ({run[1]}) by our automatic filter')
+ try:
+ reject = {"status": {"status": "rejected", "reason": run[1]}}
+ r = requests.put(
+ f"https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs/{run[0]._id}/status",
+ headers={
+ "X-API-Key": self.bot.config["api_key"],
+ "Accept": "application/json",
+ "User-Agent": "mcbeDiscordBot/1.0"
+ },
+ data=json.dumps(reject))
+ if r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 204:
+ await ctx.send(
+ f'Run rejected succesfully for `{run[1]}`\nLink: {run[0].link}'
+ )
+ else:
+ await ctx.send("Something went wrong")
+ await ctx.message.author.send(
+ f"```json\n{json.dumps(json.loads(r.text),indent=4)}```")
+ except:
+ continue
async def verifyNew(self, apiKey=None, userID=None):
@@ -251,7 +323,13 @@ class Src(commands.Cog):
@commands.command(description="Reject runs quickly")
- async def reject(self, ctx, apiKey, run, *, reason="Rejected using Steve. No additional reason provided"):
+ async def reject(
+ self,
+ ctx,
+ apiKey,
+ run,
+ *,
+ reason="Rejected using Steve. No additional reason provided"):
if apiKey == None:
apiKey = self.bot.config['api_key']
await rejectRun(self, apiKey, ctx, run, reason)
@@ -259,7 +337,13 @@ class Src(commands.Cog):
@commands.command(description="Approve runs quickly")
- async def approve(self, ctx, apiKey, run, *, reason="Approved using Steve. No additional reason provided"):
+ async def approve(
+ self,
+ ctx,
+ apiKey,
+ run,
+ *,
+ reason="Approved using Steve. No additional reason provided"):
if apiKey == None:
apiKey = self.bot.config['api_key']
await approveRun(self, apiKey, ctx, run, reason)