path: root/cogs/admin.py
blob: 2cb27826072c4e6de09286b3295c04a74a069501 (plain) (tree)











from discord.ext import commands
import discord
import asyncio
import subprocess
import json
import git
import os

class Admin(commands.Cog):
		def __init__(self, bot):
				self.bot = bot

		async def is_mod(ctx):
				return ctx.author.guild_permissions.manage_channels

	@commands.command(aliases=['deleteEverything'], hidden=True)
	async def purge(self, ctx):
		if ctx.author.id in self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["bot_masters"]:
						async for msg in ctx.channel.history():
				await msg.delete()

		@commands.command(aliases=['quit'], hidden=True)
		async def forceexit(self, ctx):
				if ctx.author.id in self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["bot_masters"]:
						await ctx.message.delete()

		async def pull(self, ctx):
				g = git.cmd.Git(os.getcwd())
				await ctx.send(f"Probably pulled.\n```bash\n{g.pull()}```")

		@commands.command(aliases=['addcommand', 'newcommand'])
		async def setcommand(self, ctx, command, *, message):
				self.bot.custom_commands[ctx.prefix + command] = message
				with open('custom_commands.json', 'w') as f:
						json.dump(self.bot.custom_commands, f, indent=4)

				await ctx.send(f"Set message for command {command}")

		async def removecommand(self, ctx, command):
				del self.bot.custom_commands[ctx.prefix + command]
				with open('custom_commands.json', 'w') as f:
						json.dump(self.bot.custom_commands, f, indent=4)

				await ctx.send(f"Removed command {command}")

		@commands.command(name='reload', hidden=True, usage='<extension>')
		async def _reload(self, ctx, ext):
				"""Reloads an extension"""
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} was realoaded!') # Oceanlight told me too
				except commands.ExtensionNotFound:
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} doesn\'t exist.')
				except commands.ExtensionNotLoaded:
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} is not loaded! (use {ctx.prefix}load)')
				except commands.NoEntryPointError:
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} doesn\'t have an entry point (try adding the setup function) ')
				except commands.ExtensionFailed:
						await ctx.send(f'Some unknown error happened while trying to reload extension {ext} (check logs)')
						self.bot.logger.exception(f'Failed to reload extension {ext}:')

		@commands.command(name='load', hidden=True, usage='<extension>')
		async def _load(self, ctx, ext):
				"""Loads an extension"""
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} was loaded!')
				except commands.ExtensionNotFound:
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} doesn\'t exist!')
				except commands.ExtensionAlreadyLoaded:
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} is already loaded.')
				except commands.NoEntryPointError:
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} doesn\'t have an entry point (try adding the setup function)')
				except commands.ExtensionFailed:
						await ctx.send(f'Some unknown error happened while trying to reload extension {ext} (check logs)')
						self.bot.logger.exception(f'Failed to reload extension {ext}:')

		@commands.command(name='unload', hidden=True, usage='<extension>')
		async def _unload(self, ctx, ext):
				"""Loads an extension"""
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} was unloaded!')
				except commands.ExtensionNotFound:
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} doesn\'t exist!')
				except commands.NoEntryPointError:
						await ctx.send(f'The extension {ext} doesn\'t have an entry point (try adding the setup function)')
				except commands.ExtensionFailed:
						await ctx.send(f'Some unknown error happened while trying to reload extension {ext} (check logs)')
						self.bot.logger.exception(f'Failed to unload extension {ext}:')

		async def connect(self, ctx):
				await ctx.author.voice.channel.connect()
				await ctx.send(f"Joined channel {ctx.author.voice.channel.name}")

		async def disconnect(self, ctx):
				await ctx.voice_client.disconnect()
				await ctx.send(f"Left channel {ctx.author.voice.channel.name}")

		async def clear(self, ctx, number):
				await ctx.message.channel.purge(limit=int(number)+1, check=None, before=None, after=None, around=None, oldest_first=False, bulk=True)

		async def mute(self, ctx, members: commands.Greedy[discord.Member]=False,
										   mute_minutes: int = 0,
										   *, reason: str = "absolutely no reason"):
				"""Mass mute members with an optional mute_minutes parameter to time it"""

				if not members:
						await ctx.send("You need to name someone to mute")
				elif type(members)==str:
						members = [self.bot.get_user(int(members))]

				#muted_role = discord.utils.find(ctx.guild.roles, name="Muted")
				muted_role = ctx.guild.get_role(int(self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["mute_role"]))
				for member in members:
						if self.bot.user == member: # what good is a muted bot?
								embed = discord.Embed(title = "You can't mute me, I'm an almighty bot")
								await ctx.send(embed = embed)
						await member.add_roles(muted_role, reason = reason)
						await ctx.send("{0.mention} has been muted by {1.mention} for *{2}*".format(member, ctx.author, reason))

				if mute_minutes > 0:
						await asyncio.sleep(mute_minutes * 60)
						for member in members:
								await member.remove_roles(muted_role, reason = "time's up ")

		async def unmute(self, ctx, members: commands.Greedy[discord.Member]):
				if not members:
						await ctx.send("You need to name someone to unmute")
				elif type(members)==str:
						members = self.bot.get_user(int(user))

				muted_role = ctx.guild.get_role(int(self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)]["mute_role"]))
				for i in members:
						await i.remove_roles(muted_role)
						await ctx.send("{0.mention} has been unmuted by {1.mention}".format(i, ctx.author))

		async def logs(self, ctx, *, password):
				if password == "beep boop":
						await ctx.message.delete()
						file = discord.File("discord.log")
						await ctx.send(file=file)

		@commands.command(aliases=['ban'], hidden=True)
		async def blacklist(self, ctx, members: commands.Greedy[discord.Member]=None):
				if not members:
						await ctx.send("You need to name someone to blacklist")
				elif type(members)=="str":
						members = self.bot.get_user(int(user))

				with open('blacklist.json', 'w') as f:
						for i in members:
								if i.id in self.bot.blacklist:
										json.dump(self.bot.blacklist, f, indent=4)
										await ctx.send(f"{i} has been un-blacklisted.")
										json.dump(self.bot.blacklist, f, indent=4)
										await ctx.send(f"{i} has been blacklisted.")

		async def activity(self, ctx,*, activity=None):
				if activity:
						game = discord.Game(activity)
						activity = "Mining away"
						game = discord.Game(activity)
				await self.bot.change_presence(activity=game)
				await ctx.send(f"Activity changed to {activity}")

		async def setvar(self, ctx, key, *, value):
				with open('config.json', 'w') as f:
						self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)][key] = value
						json.dump(self.bot.config, f, indent=4)

		async def printvar(self, ctx, key):
				await ctx.send(self.bot.config[str(ctx.message.guild.id)][key])

def setup(bot):