path: root/app/src/main/java/User
7aea129b07f75f2ad958&follow=1'>Fix games related commandsLuca Matei Pintilie2-2/+8 2022-08-31user.location can be nullLuca Matei Pintilie2-17/+19 2022-08-31Try catch everything in handleCancelButtonLuca Matei Pintilie1-24/+28 2022-08-20Increase counting limit to 20k by counting ascending and descendingLuca Matei Pintilie2-14/+40 2022-08-18Send, don't respond, to a cancel button pressLuca Matei Pintilie1-1/+1 2022-08-17Fix loop if the getAll functions reaches the limit and fix the posts testLuca Matei Pintilie2-2/+13 2022-08-16Delete the correct interactionLuca Matei Pintilie1-2/+4 2022-08-16Delete response after cancelLuca Matei Pintilie1-0/+1 2022-08-16FormatLuca Matei Pintilie1-1/+3 2022-08-16Don't cancel command if the wrong person pressed cancelLuca Matei Pintilie2-21/+24