path: root/.idea (unfollow)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-04-18Synchronizing voting state between PostRecyclerViewAdapter and ViewPostDetail...Alex Ning4-29/+4
2019-04-18Fixed displaying wrong score when rapidly clicking vote buttons in PostRecycl...Alex Ning2-0/+0
2019-02-26Fixed user icon and user banner not displaying after user login. LoginActivit...Alex Ning2-0/+0
2019-02-26Add two features: refresh searching and searching in SearchActivity. Fixed a ...Alex Ning1-3/+9
2019-02-23Add a feature: Search for users. Change some names of interfaces and methods.Alex Ning2-0/+0
2019-02-23Add a feature: Search for users. Fixed calling callback.onResult twice when l...Alex Ning2-0/+0
2019-02-22Change SearchView style in MainActivity. Solve tab layout covering fragments ...Alex Ning1-2/+2
2019-02-22Add a search view in MainActivity and add a SearchActivity.Alex Ning3-3/+18
2019-02-21Migrate to AndroidXAlex Ning2-0/+0
2019-02-21Use another GifImageView library.Alex Ning2-0/+0
2019-02-20Temporarily use the old way to load comments instead of Paging library. Load ...Alex Ning2-0/+0
2019-02-12Load All comments of a post using paging library. Loading comments of comment...Alex Ning2-0/+0
2019-01-22Enlarge the area which contains subreddit or user name and icon for easier to...Alex Ning2-0/+0
2019-01-22Fixed the user's posts cannot be loaded. Refreshing in MainActivity also refr...Alex Ning3-0/+3
2019-01-21Click subreddit names and user names in post content and comment content to s...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2019-01-09Use MarkwonView (a markdown library) instead of HtmlTextView to display post ...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2019-01-07New feature: Subscribe or unsubscribe to a subreddit. Allow clear text traffi...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2019-01-04Minor UI tweaks.Alex Ning1-0/+37
2018-12-30Refreshing posts is working now.Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-12-29Error handling for loading posts now works again. Don't show refresh button a...Alex Ning4-56/+7
2018-12-27Display a MaterialLoadingProgressBar instead of a ProgressBar when loading po...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-12-27Use Android Paging Library to load and display best posts. Loading best posts...Alex Ning2-1/+1
2018-12-22Use GifImageView to display all the images in order to prevent slow playing o...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-10-28Use AspectRatiotImageView instead of ImageView to fully display the preview i...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-10-26Bind views using ButterKnife. Let volume controls adjust music stream in View...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-10-12Use Dagger 2 to inject the Retrofit singleton to classes. Minor bugs fixed.Alex Ning2-2/+3
2018-10-05Display a crosspost icon if the post is a crosspost. Hide the thumbtack icon ...Alex Ning1-0/+5
2018-10-01Add an error view when loading the image fails in ViewImageActivity.Alex Ning1-1/+2
2018-09-28Change the layout of post. Add an error view when loading the preview image f...Alex Ning2-4/+3
2018-09-28Fixed a bug which causes the LastItemSynchronizer object in PaginationSynchro...Alex Ning2-1/+1
2018-09-24Add a feature which is refreshing the posts by clicking the refresh button. M...Alex Ning1-0/+47
2018-09-22Disable the animation for finishing activity in ViewImageActivity and ViewVid...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-09-03Fixed a bug that the expand less button and the expand more button is not sho...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-09-02Replace the RecyclerView for comments to MultiLevelRecyclerView in order to d...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-08-30Blur the preview image if the post is NSFW. Tweak some layouts. Optimize some...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-08-27Change some methods related to parsing data to static methods. Preparing to u...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-08-26Display the number of gold given to the post.Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-08-20Load comment and post content text in HTML form instead of String. Fixed a bu...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-08-20Rename some classes and layout resources. Feature added: view posts in ViewSu...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-08-18Added feature: Vote in ViewPostDetailActivity. Fix some behavior after the vo...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-08-18Load user info after the new access token is retrieved if the old access toke...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-08-05Fetch the subreddit info and save it to the database. Solve a bug that cannot...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-07-31Preparing to fetch the subreddit info and save it to the database.Alex Ning2-52/+0
2018-07-29Save subscribed subreddits and users to the SQLite database by using Room Per...Alex Ning1-0/+0
2018-07-28Add a RecyclerView for subscribed subreddits in navigation drawer, rewrite so...Alex Ning2-4/+4