import dracula.draw # Autogenerated # # NOTE: is intended for advanced users who are comfortable # with manually migrating the config file on qutebrowser upgrades. If # you prefer, you can also configure qutebrowser using the # :set/:bind/:config-* commands without having to write a # file. # # Documentation: # qute://help/configuring.html # qute://help/settings.html # Change the argument to True to still load settings configured via autoconfig.yml config.load_autoconfig(False) # Aliases for commands. The keys of the given dictionary are the # aliases, while the values are the commands they map to. # Type: Dict c.aliases = {'q': 'close', 'qa': 'quit', 'w': 'session-save', 'wq': 'quit --save', 'wqa': 'quit --save'} # Time interval (in milliseconds) between auto-saves of # config/cookies/etc. # Type: Int c.auto_save.interval = 15000 # Enable JavaScript. # Type: Bool config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'chrome://*/*') # Enable JavaScript. # Type: Bool config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'qute://*/*') # Enable JavaScript. # Type: Bool c.content.javascript.enabled = False # Enable smooth scrolling for web pages. Note smooth scrolling does not # work with the `:scroll-px` command. # Type: Bool c.scrolling.smooth = True # Search engines which can be used via the address bar. Maps a search # engine name (such as `DEFAULT`, or `ddg`) to a URL with a `{}` # placeholder. The placeholder will be replaced by the search term, use # `{{` and `}}` for literal `{`/`}` braces. The following further # placeholds are defined to configure how special characters in the # search terms are replaced by safe characters (called 'quoting'): * # `{}` and `{semiquoted}` quote everything except slashes; this is the # most sensible choice for almost all search engines (for the search # term `slash/and&` this placeholder expands to `slash/and%26amp`). # * `{quoted}` quotes all characters (for `slash/and&` this # placeholder expands to `slash%2Fand%26amp`). * `{unquoted}` quotes # nothing (for `slash/and&` this placeholder expands to # `slash/and&`). * `{0}` means the same as `{}`, but can be used # multiple times. The search engine named `DEFAULT` is used when # `url.auto_search` is turned on and something else than a URL was # entered to be opened. Other search engines can be used by prepending # the search engine name to the search term, e.g. `:open google # qutebrowser`. # Type: Dict c.url.searchengines = {'DEFAULT': '{}'} # Bindings for normal mode config.bind(',M', 'hint links spawn mpv {hint-url}') config.bind(',m', 'spawn mpv {url}') c.editor.command = ["nvim-qt", "{file}"] c.content.cookies.accept = "never" c.completion.web_history.max_items = 0 c.completion.cmd_history_max_items = 0 # Privacy c.content.private_browsing = True config.set("content.webgl", False, "*") c.content.geolocation = False dracula.draw.blood(c, { 'spacing': { 'vertical': 6, 'horizontal': 8 } })