path: root/.gitconfig
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/.gitconfig b/.gitconfig
index 6183706..9b8aa1d 100644
--- a/.gitconfig
+++ b/.gitconfig
@@ -1,12 +1,55 @@
- signingKey = CA875B8CE4FF7C9F
name = Luca Matei Pintilie
- email = lucafulger@gmail.com
+ signingKey = CA875B8CE4FF7C9F
gpgSign = true
gpgSign = true
rebase = false
defaultBranch = master
+ push.autoSetupRemote
+ pager = delta
+ diffFilter = delta --color-only
+ navigate = true # use n and N to move between diff sections
+ light = false # set to true if you're in a terminal w/ a light background color (e.g. the default macOS terminal)
+ conflictstyle = diff3
+ colorMoved = default
+ features = decorations
+ line-numbers = true
+ syntax-theme = Dracula
+ #side-by-side = true
+ pager = less
+[delta "interactive"]
+ keep-plus-minus-markers = true
+[delta "decorations"]
+ commit-decoration-style = blue ol
+ commit-style = raw
+ file-style = omit
+ hunk-header-decoration-style = blue box
+ hunk-header-file-style = red
+ hunk-header-line-number-style = "#067a00"
+ hunk-header-style = file line-number syntax