blob: 3c49f3f3dc0e245c7d2edbad5c96c3b96e4dc47b (
plain) (
# Requirements
- dash (shell)
- imlib2
- xsetroot package ( status2d uses this to add colors on dwmbar)
- JetbrainsMono Nerd Font (or any nerd font) and Material design icon font
## Keybinding deps
- alacritty
- rofi
- flameshot
- xbacklight
- playerctl
- xsecurelock
## Autostart
- picom
- setxkbmap
- feh
- xinput
## Status bar
- awk
- bc
- pacman contrib (arch)
- xbps-install (void)
- apt (debian)
# Install deps
# pacman -S picom xorg-setxkbmap feh xorg-xinput dash imlib2 xorg-xsetroot alacritty flameshot rofi xorg-xbacklight playerctl xsecurelock
# Setup
- Put the .dwm folder in ~/
- chmod +x all scripts in .dwm folder
- copy the stuff from fonts folder to your ~/.local/share/fonts ( this is for material design icon font )
- cd into chadwm and `sudo make install`
# Run chadwm
- Run the autostart file from .xinitrc or
- Create a desktop entry
touch /usr/share/xsessions/chadwm.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=dwm made beautiful
Exec= <path to autostart file>
# Patches
- barpadding
- bottomstack
- cfacts
- dragmfact
- dragcfact (took from [bakkeby's build](
- fibonacii
- gaplessgrid
- horizgrid
- movestack
- vanity gaps
- colorful tags
- statuspadding
- status2d
- underline tags
- notitle